Susan Schauer John

Susan Fay Schauer was born to create. Her work is eye-catching, complex, dense, colorful, and beloved. Her detailed and often narrative paintings of fabric and thread draw the viewer into the work hoping for more and finding it.

Born in Canton Ohio, the daughter of a talented artist father (Thomas Alfred Schauer), Susan was encouraged to express herself through drawing, painting, and sculpture. Educated in both the sciences and the arts, Susan received her B.S. in biology at Denison University. She went on to receive a graduate education in the neurosciences at Princeton University, all the while studying the arts on the side.

In the late 1980s however, Susan turned her full attention to her art and has not looked back. She has had inspiration and recognition in many art forms, including woodturning, portraiture, and fiber arts. Her work has been exhibited and sold in galleries from Washington DC to San Francisco and she has work in the permanent collection of the White House.

Living and painting in Talbot County, on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, Susan attracts clients from all over the United States. Susan’s current work is a suite of art pieces depicting wildlife found in around the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. These “thread paintings” are free-hand sewn with English-designed fabrics and Italian cotton threads.

Contact Susan

Email: [email protected]